2021年09月24日 15:39 来源:      打印    


成波,男,198801月生,中共党员,工学博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,甘肃省杰出青年基金获得者,甘肃省材料学会理事会理事,中国机械工程学会表面工程分会青工委委员、中国硅酸盐学会特陶分会青工委委员、兰州理工大学红柳优秀青年。20186月,博士毕业于西安交通大学材料科学与工程专业。主要从事热障涂层结构设计、金属表面高精磁力研磨、多功能粉末改性、钙钛矿薄膜技术等表面工程方向的研究,主持国家自然科学青年基金、地区基金,国家重点研发计划任务,金属材料强度国家重点实验室开放课题,北京科技大学外协项目,兰州理工大学红柳优秀青年人才支持计划等多个项目,以第一参与人身份参加甘肃省科技重大项目、甘肃省高等学校产业支撑计划项目各1项。获甘肃省科技进步一等奖1项(2021)、二等奖1项(2022)、甘肃省材料科学技术一等奖1项(2020)。发表SCI/EI论文56篇,专利9项。包括:MatterMaterials TodayJournal of Advanced CeramicsMaterials & DesignJournal of the European Ceramic SocietySurface & coatings technologyCeramics InternationalJournal of the American Ceramic Society等。








  1. 国家自然科学基金(地区),双陶瓷热障涂层荧光/陶瓷应力反馈单元的构筑及寿命关联机制,2025.01~2028.12,主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金项目(青年),高隔热双陶瓷热障涂层的应力定向主动调控及长寿命服役机理,2020.01-2022.12,主持

  3. 甘肃省杰出青年基金,航空发动机耐CMAS腐蚀热障涂层表面重构技术研究,2025.02~2028.02,主持

  4. 国家重点研发计划任务,金属复合材料硬质磁性磨料的联合开发,2023.01-2024.12,主持

  5. 金属材料强度国家重点实验室开放课题项目,新型等隔热热障涂层的原位应力检测方法,2019.06-2021.05,主持

  6. 激光改性亚微米柱状热障陶瓷涂层成型技术研究,省部共建有色金属先进加工与再利用国家重点实验室优秀青年人才培育计划项目,2022.11~2025.11,主持

  7. 兰州理工大学红柳优秀青年人才支持计划 (062001) , 2020.01~2022.12,主持

  8. 兰州空间技术物理研究所委托项目,XX表面超高温耐烧蚀涂层研究,2022.09~2023.12,主持

  9. 北京科技大学委托项目,XXX涂层热喷涂工艺及性能研究,2023.03-2024.12,主持

  10. 甘肃蓝科石化高新装备股份有限公司委托项目,广东珠海LNG扩建项目开架式气化器热喷涂,2023.05-2024.12,主持

  11. 甘肃蓝科石化高新装备股份有限公司委托项目,伊拉克Block 9天然气中央处理设施项目塔器、换热器表面热喷涂,2023.11-2025.05,主持

  12. 甘肃省科技计划重大项目,核用包壳磁力研磨关键技术及装备联合研发, 2022.01-2024.12,第一参与人

  13. 甘肃省高等学校产业支撑计划项目,核用包壳管内外表面磁力高精研磨系统研发, 2020.07-2023.07,第一参与人



  1. 甘肃省科技进步二等奖,合金材料微观组织结构模拟技术与工业应用,2022

  2. 甘肃省科技进步一等奖,多功能金属陶瓷涂层技术及产业应用,2021

  3. 甘肃省材料科学技术一等奖,定向结构多功能金属涂层技术及产业应用,2021


  4. Bo Cheng; Yu Wang; Yu Zhao; Ruirui Chen; Jianjun Li; Guodong Liang; Yuehong Zheng; Qiang Song; Uladzimir Seniuts; Marat Belotsrkovsky; Haimin Zhai; Wensheng Li. Superior core-shell Fe-Al magnetic abrasive prepared by controlled pack cementation. J. Alloy. Compd., 2025, 1020: 179250.

  5. Guodong Liang, Bo Cheng, Xinjian Zhang, Yu Zhao, Xudong Zhao, Boru Jin, Wensheng Li. Thermodynamic quantitative analysis and formation mechanism on novel multilayered Fe-Si Core-Shell magnetic abrasives. J. Manuf. Process. 2025, 134: 158-174.

  6. Bo Cheng, Ruirui Chen, Bei Yang, Guodong Liang, Xinjian Zhang, Wensheng Li. The In-Situ formation and service behavior of spherical FeNi@SiC magnetic abrasives with core-shell structure. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2025, 35: 2815-2825.

  7. 王玉,李文生,成波,张辛健,何琪功,乔健. 磨料、磁极结构对 TC4 钛合金杆件磁力研磨精度及效率的影响. 稀有金属,202549(1): 29-40.

  8. Wensheng Li, Jinling Zhang, Shuai Cui, Shuncai Wang, Bo Cheng. Influence of Al contents on the Long-Term corrosion behaviors of Cold-Sprayed Zn-xAl coatings. Surf. Coat. Tech. 2024, 476: 130201.

  9. Haimin Zhai, Sheng Li, Xuqiang Li, Wensheng Li, Dongqing He, Bo Cheng, Xinjian Zhang, Zhornik Viktor, Uladzimir Seniuts. Abnormal fretting wear behavior of Fe-Based amorphous coating. Wear, 2024, 550-551:205419.

  10. Xinjian Zhang, Xudong Zhao, Bo Cheng, Hanlin Wang, Wensheng Li, Chunyuan Feng, Uladzimir Seniuts. Design and processing behavior of large tubes with a rotating magnetic pole Core-Based magnetic abrasive finishing. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 2024, 130(1): 1709-1721.

  11. Yu Zhao, Guodong Liang, Xinjian Zhang, Xudong Zhao, Wensheng Li, Uladzimir Seniuts, Zhornik Viktor, Bo Cheng. Formation mechanism of Ti-Si Multi-Layer coatings on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Coatings, 2024, 14(4): 450.

  12. Junwei Wang, Wang Diao, Bo Cheng, Wenhui Wen, Jun Cheng, Bo Wu, Xianhui Zhang, and Leyang Dai. Excellent tribocorrosion resistance in artificial seawater of high entropy alloy FeCrNiCoAl coating prepared by HVOF. J. Alloys Compd. 2024, 1009: 176931.

  13. Qian-Qian Chu, Zhijian Sun, Dong Wang, Bo Cheng*, Haijiang Wang, Ching-Ping Wong, Baizeng Fang. Encapsulation: The path to commercialization of stable perovskite solar cells. Matter, 2023, 6 (11): 3838-3863. Cell子刊

  14. Qian-Qian Chu, Zhijian Sun, Jinho Hah, Kyoung-sik Moon, Bo Cheng, Dong Wang, Peng Xiao, Yang Zhou, Annamaria Petrozza, Guan-Jun Yang, Hongxia Wang, Ching-Ping Wong. Progress, challenges, and further trends of all perovskites tandem solar cells: A comprehensive review. Materials Today, 2023, 67: 399-423.

  15. 成波,张新懿,李文生,李旭强,张婷,马拉特•别罗茨科夫斯基,乌拉吉米尔•塞纽特,维克多•卓尼克. 厚度主导铝合金表面304不锈钢涂层组织结构及性能的演变行为. 表面技术,202352(11): 225-236.

  16. 李文生,黄晓龙,成波,李建军,宋强,赛纽特•乌拉吉米尔. 硅低温热解活化包覆超细金刚石及其抗氧化和分散稳定性. 材料导报,202337(11): 21120094.

  17. Haimin Zhai, Shuai Cui, Sheng Li, Dongqing He, Bo Cheng, Xinjian Zhang, Wensheng Li, Zhornik Viktor, Uladzimir Seniuts. Tribocorrosion behaviors of Ti-based bulk metallic glass via laser shock peening in 3.5 wt% NaCl solutions. Intermetallics, 2023,164: 108127.

  18. Dongqing He, Lunlin Shang, Zihan Feng, Yaoting Zhao, Wensheng Li, Haimin Zhai, Bo Cheng, Xinjian Zhang. Role of carbide content in governing the mechanical and tribological properties of DLC/Cr3C2-NiCr duplex coatings. Tribol. Int. 2023, 187: 108687.

  19. Dongqing He, Zihan Feng, Wenwen Zheng, Wensheng Li, Lunlin Shang, Haimin Zhai, Bo Cheng, Xinjian Zhang. Post-Deposition annealing effects on microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of AlCrN films. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2023, 25: 6843-6852.

  20. Xinjian Zhang, Hanlin Wang, Xudong Zhao, Bo Cheng, Wensheng Li, Qiang Song, Uladzimir Seniuts, Marat Belotsrkovsky. Optimizing processing performance of Fe-6.5 wt%Si-SiC magnetic abrasive particles by In-Situ formation of FexSiy Interlayer. Mater. Today Commun. 2023, 37: 107401.

  21. Haimin Zhai, Xuqiang Li, Yongkang Zhang, Wensheng Li, Dongqing He, Bo Cheng, Xinjian Zhang, Zhornik Viktor, Uladzimir Seniuts. Non-Isothermal crystallization behavioral analysis of detonation sprayed Fe-Based amorphous coating. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2023, 23: 6115-6126.

  22. Guo-sheng An, Wen-sheng Li, Zhi-ping Wang, Li Feng, Bo Cheng, Lan Zhou, Zi-yu Li, Yi Zhang. High-Temperature oxidation and TGO growth behaviors of laser-modified YAG/YSZ double-ceramic-layer TBC. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc.China, 2023, 33: 1178-1192.

  23. Dongqing He, Lunling Shang, Wensheng Li, Bo Cheng, Haimin Zhai, Xinjian Zhang, Zhibin Lu, Guangan Zhang. Friction-Induced reconstruction of sliding interface and low friction mechanism of WC/a-C films. Mater. Des. 2023, 226: 111640.

  24. Xinjian Zhang, Xudong Zhao, Bo Cheng, Yu Wang, Qiang Song, Chunzhi Zhang, Wensheng Li, Uladzimir Seniuts, Marat Belotsrkovsky, Zhornik Viktor. Finishing mechanism modelling on magnetic abrasive finishing behaviours with CoreShell magnetic abrasive particles. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 2023.

  25. Xiangjuan Fan, Wensheng Li, Jun Yang, Shengyu Zhu, Shuai Cui, Bo Cheng, Haimin Zhai. Effect of MoO3Content on Ni3Al-Ag-MoO3 composite coating microstructure and tribological properties. Coatings, 2023, 13(3): 624.

  26. Xudong Zhao, Xinjian Zhang, Bo Cheng, Wensheng Li, Uladzimir Seniuts, Zhornik Viktor. Co-Optimization of magnetic abrasive finishing behaviors of Zirconium tube surfaces with Fe-6.5 Wt% Si/SiC abrasives using BP neural network and response surface methodology. Mater. Today Commun. 2023, 38: 107901.

  27. 成波,王玉,楚倩倩,安国升,张辛健,翟海民,何东青,李文生. La2Zr2O7热障涂层中Y2O3:Eu3+应力检测单元的高温稳定性及响应机制. 中国有色金属学报,202333(2): 455-467.

  28. Zhi-Yuan Wei, Yang Liu, Bo Cheng*, Adnan Tahir. Influence of non-uniform feature of thermally grown oxide thickness on the local stress state and cracking behavior in TBC. Surf. Coat. Tech. 2022, 443: 128607.

  29. Zhi-Yuan Wei, Guo-Hui Meng, Lin Chen, Guang-Rong Li, Mei-Jun Liu, Wei-Xu Zhang, Li-Na Zhao, Qiang Zhang, Xiao-Feng Zhang, Chun-Lei Wan, Zhi-Xue Qu, Lin Chen, Jing Feng, Ling Liu, Hui Dong, Ze-Bin Bao, Xiao-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Feng Zhang, Lei Guo, Liang Wang, Bo Cheng, Wei-Wei Zhang, Peng-Yun Xu, Guan-Jun Yang, Hong-Neng Cai, Hong Cui; You Wang, Fu-Xing Ye, Zhuang Ma, Wei Pan, Min Liu, Ke-Song Zhou, Chang-Jiu Li. Progress in ceramic materials and structure design toward advanced thermal barrier coatings, J. Adv. Ceram. 2022, 11(7): 985-1068. 共同一作,高被引/热点论文

  30. 李建军,李文生,成波,张辛健,朱正泽,张涛. 细长锆管表面磁力研磨高精光整参数优化研究. 稀有金属,202246(3): 331-339.

  31. 李文生,邢健,张杰,宋强,孙永江,成波,何东青. 温压烧结316L不锈钢组织和耐3.5%NaCl腐蚀行为. 稀有金属材料与工程,202251(12): 4714-4725.

  32. 翟海民,马旭,张辛健,成波,何东青,李文生. 热处理对Fe基非晶涂层蠕变行为影响的研究. 铸造技术,202243(1): 6-10.

  33. Bo Cheng, Qian-Qian Chu*. Solvent engineering for high efficiency and stability of 2D/3D perovskite solar cells. Matter, 2022, 5: 4107-4115. Cell子刊

  34. 安国升,李文生,冯力,成波,李子钰,周兰,王智平. 激光重熔热障涂层TGO生长与抗高温氧化机制. 中国有色金属学报,202232(12): 3780-3791.

  35. Yaoting Zhao, Dongqing He, Wensheng Li, Qiang Song, Haimin Zhai, Bo Cheng. The role of cermet interlayer on tribological behaviors of DLC/Cr3C2-NiCr duplex coating from the perspective of carbonaceous transfer film formation. Ceram. Int. 2022, 48(13): 36945-36952.

  36. Qian-Qian Chu, Bo Cheng, Baizeng Fang. Scalable and efficient all-perovskite tandem solar cells. Matter, 2022, 5(3): 2574-2593.

  37. Qian-Qian Chu, Zhijian Sun, Yan Liu, Hao Cui, Bo Cheng, Davoud Dastan, Kyoung-sik Moon,Guan-Jun Yang*, Ching-Ping Wong*. Difluorobenzylamine treatment of organolead halide perovskite boosts the high efficiency and stability of photovoltaic cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2022, 14: 11388-11397.

  38. Haimin Zhai, Xu Ma, Bo Cheng, Dongqing He, Xinjian Zhang, Wensheng Li, Chunling Li, Xiaosong Li, Anhui Cai. Room temperature nanoindentation creep behavior of detonation sprayed Fe-Based amorphous coating. Intermetallics, 2022, 141: 107426.

  39. Haimin Zhai, Yongang Zhang, Dongqing He, Xinjian Zhang, Bo Cheng, Wensheng Li, Chunling Li, Xiaosong Li, Anhui Cai. Rate-Dependent nanoindentation creep behavior of a Fe-Based amorphous coating. J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 2022, 590: 121668.

  40. Cheng Bo, Li Jianjun, An Guosheng, Li Wensheng, Zhang Xinjian. Durable columnar structure design for thermal barrier coatings. Rare Metal Mat Eng. 2022, 51(5): 1660-1666.

  41. Xiangjuan Fan, Wensheng Li, Jun Yang, Shuai Cui, Haimin Zhai, Dongqing He, Bo Cheng, Weimin Liu. Optimization of the HVOF spray deposition of Ni3Al coatings on stainless steel.J. Therm. Spray Technol. 2022, 31(10): 1598-1608.

  42. Bo Cheng, Dong Wang, Qianqian Chu, Liang Chu. Omnidirectional annealing process for scalable perovskite films. Int. J. Min. Met. Mater. 2022, 29(8): 1491-1492.

  43. Wensheng Li, Wenbin Zhang, Haimin Zhai, Shuncai Wang, Qiang Song, Robert J. K. Wood, Bo Cheng, Dongqing He, Chunzhi Zhang. Microstructure evolution and elevated temperature wear performance of In-Situ Laser-Synthesized Ti-25Al-17Nb coating on Ti-6Al-4V. Tribol. Int. 2022, 175: 107807.

  44. Wensheng Li, Ziyu Li, Guosheng An, Bo Cheng, Qiang Song, Jinquan Sun, Victor Vaganov, Canming Wang, and Georg Goransky. Isothermal oxidation TGO growth behaviors of Laser-Remolten LZO/YSZ thermal barrier coatings. Coatings, 2022, 12(2): 107.

  45. Qian-Qian Chu, Bo Cheng, Baizeng Fang. Interface passivation for perovskite solar cell: A good or bad strategy? Matter, 2022, 3(8): 2397-2561.

  46. Chunling Li, Bo Cheng, Yi Zhang, Guosheng An, Yongjiang Sun, Yu Wang, Wensheng Li. Corrosion behavior of atmospheric Plasma-Sprayed YAG/8YSZ Double Ceramic-Layered thermal barrier coatings in a CalciumMagnesiumAlumino-Silicate melt. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2022.

  47. Haimin Zhai, Mengjing Ou, Shuai Cui, Wensheng Li, Xinjian Zhang, Bo Cheng, Dongqing He, Xiaosong Li. Anhui Cai.Characterizations the deposition behavior and mechanical properties of detonation sprayed Fe-Based amorphous coatings. J Mater Res Technol. 2022,18: 2506-2518.

  48. Wenwen Zheng, Dongqing He, Wensheng Li, Lunlin Shang, Qiang Song, Guangan Zhang, Haimin Zhai, Bo Cheng. AlCrN/Cr3C2-NiCr duplex coating towards high Load-Bearing and dry sliding antiwear applications. Ceram. Int. 2022, 48(10): 18933-18943.

  49. 张涛,成波,李文生,范祥娟,李建军,黄晓龙. 低压冷喷涂镍基金属陶瓷复合涂层的摩擦学性能研究. 表面技术,202150(7): 203-211.

  50. Huayan Yuan, Haimin Zhai, Wensheng Li, Dongqing He, Bo Cheng, Li Feng. Study of dry sliding wear behavior of a Fe-Based amorphous coating synthesized by detonation spraying on an AZ31B Magnesium alloy. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2021, 30(2): 905-917.

  51. Haimin Zhai, Xuqiang Li, Wensheng Li, Bo Cheng, Dongqing He, Xinjian Zhang, Shuai Cui. Strategy for improving the Wear-Resistance properties of detonation sprayed Fe-Based amorphous coatings by cryogenic cycling treatment. Surf Coat Tech. 2021,410: 126962.

  52. Bo Cheng, Yu Wang, Xin Zhang, Guosheng An, Qianqian Chu, Xinjian Zhang, Dongqing He, Haimin Zhai, Wensheng Li. Sintering governing the cracking behaviors of different La2Zr2O7/YSZ ceramic layer combination TBCs at 1150 oC. Surf Coat Tech. 2021, 428: 12790.

  53. Guosheng An, Wensheng Li, Li Feng, Bo Cheng, Zhiping Wang, Ziyu Li, Yi Zhang. Isothermal oxidation and TGO growth behaviors of YAG/YSZ Double-Ceramic-Layer thermal barrier coatings. Ceram. Int. 2021,47: 24320-24330.

  54. Wensheng Li, Jianjun Li, Bo Cheng*, Xinjian Zhang, Qiang Song, Yu Wang, Tao Zhang, Uladzimir Seniuts, Marat Belotsrkovsky. Achieving In-Situ alloy-hardening Core-Shell structured carbonyl iron powders for magnetic abrasive finishing. Mater. Design. 2021, 212: 110198.

  55. Li-Shuang Wang, Zhi-Yuan Wei, Bo Cheng, Mei-Jun Liu, Guang-Rong Li, Hui Dong, Guan-Jun Yang. Gradient stiffening induced interfacial cracking and strain tolerant design in thermal barrier coatings.Ceram. Int.2020, 46(3): 2355-2364.

  56. 李文生,张义,安国升,成波,冯力,杨乐馨. YAG/8YSZ双陶瓷热障涂层的等温氧化性能研究. 稀有金属材料与工程,201948(12): 3961-3968.

  57. 李文生,杨乐馨,安国升,成波,冯力,张义. LZO对热障涂层中粘结层氧化的抑制行为研究. 稀有金属材料与工程,201948(11): 3527-3534.

  58. Zhi-Yuan Wei, Bo Cheng, Jun Wang, Mei-Jun Liu, and Hong-Neng Cai. Extend the thermal cyclic lifetime of La2Zr2O7/YSZ DCL TBCs by reducing modulus design on a toughening ceramic surface. Surf Coat Tech. 2019, 374: 134-143.

  59. Bo Cheng, Zhi-Yuan Wei, Lin Chen, Guan-Jun Yang, Cheng-Xin Li, Chang-Jiu Li. Prolong the durability of La2Zr2O7/YSZ TBCs by decreasing the cracking driving force in ceramic coatings. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2018, 38(13): 5482-5488.

  60. Bo Cheng, Guan-Jun Yang*, Qiang Zhang, Ning Yang, Meng Zhang, Yuming Zhang, Cheng-Xin Li, Chang-Jiu Li. Gradient thermal cyclic behaviour of La2Zr2O7/YSZ DCL-TBCs with equivalent thermal insulation performance. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2018, 38: 1888-1896.

  61. Guang-Rong Li, Bo Cheng, Guan-Jun Yang, Cheng-Xin Li. Strain-Induced stiffness-dependent structural changes and the associated failure mechanism in TBCs. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2017, 37(11): 3609-3621.

  62. Bo Cheng, Yu-Ming Zhang, Ning Yang, Meng Zhang, Lin Chen, Guan-Jun Yang, Cheng-Xin Li, and Chang-Jiu Li. Sintering-Induced delamination of thermal barrier coatings by gradient thermal cyclic test. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2017, 100(5): 1820-1830.

  63. 路阳,成波,王军伟,王智平,李文生,董洪峰. 不锈钢在熔融NaCl中的电化学-化学-稀释模型. 材料科学与工艺,201523(2): 75-80.

  64. 王军伟,王智平,路阳,成波,马榕彬. 无机盐储热材料高温导热系数测量装置及方法. 太阳能学报,201435(2): 332-337.

  65. Li Feng, Lingmin An, Changsheng Zhu, Yang Lu, Rongzhen Xiao, Bo Cheng. Phase-Field simulation studies of multiple grains coupled with force flow field. Adv. Mater. Res. 2014, 915-916: 1038-1048.

  66. Yang Lu, Bo Cheng, Junwei Wang, Zhiping Wang, Wensheng Li. Corrosion behavior of Cr, Fe and Ni based superalloy in molten NaCl. Rare Metal Mat Eng. 2014, 43(1): 17-23.

  67. 路阳,成波,王军伟,王智平,朱昶胜,冯力,安灵敏. 碟式斯特林热发电装置高温吸热/储热腔的集热性能. 材料导报B:研究篇,201327(12): 129-135.

  68. Wang Junwei, Wang Zhiping, Lu Yang, Cheng Bo, Li Wensheng, Dong Hongfeng. Effects of alloy elements on corrosion resistance of Fe-Based stainless steels in molten NaCI. Rare Metal Mat Eng. 2013, 42: 513-516.


  69. 成波,张馨,楚倩倩,王玉,安国升,何东青,翟海民,张辛健,何玲,李文生,一种多陶瓷热障涂层的残余应力检测方法, 授权公告日:20240126日,专利号:ZL202111209268.2

  70. 成波,张辛健,李文生,杨冠军,楚倩倩,何东青,一种粗化高结合异质陶瓷界面的多陶瓷热障涂层及其制备方法, 授权公告日:20210423日,专利号:ZL202010107885.0

  71. 李文生,成波,张辛健,李建军,张涛,cBN切削元铁基磁力抛光粉末的制备方法, 授权公告日:20200630日,专利号:ZL201910865167.7

  72. 楚倩倩,成波,张辛健,氧化锆钝化氧化锡作电子传输层的钙钛矿太阳电池及方法, 授权公告日:20210921日,专利号:ZL202010364564.9

  73. 李文生,翟海民,成波,何东青,张富邦,胡春莲,张绍兵,安国升,一种纳米钨基耐烧蚀涂层的制备方法, 授权公告日:20200609日,专利号:ZL201911008445.3