钟明,男,1987年08月生,甘肃礼县人,中共党员,理学博士,副研究员。2018年6月,博士毕业于南开大学材料科学与工程学院物理化学专业,导师卜显和院士。目前主要从事配位聚合物及其衍生微纳米材料的电化学储能的研究,包括锂(钠)离子电池等,主持国家自然基金1项,甘肃省青年科技计划基金项目1项,以第一/共一/通讯作者在Chem. Soc. Rev., Coord. Chem. Rev., Adv. Sci.,J.Energy Chem.,Small, Inorg. Chem. Front.,ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., Inorg. Chem., ACS Appl. Nano Mater.,J.Environ. Chem. Eng.等国内外学术期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。
18.Zhong Ming*, Guo Xue, Li Lingling, Li Yun-Wu, Zhao Kun, Peng Hui, Zhang Xiaobo, Hetero-Phase MoO2/Cu2–xSe Nanocomposites Distributed in Porous Octahedral Carbon Networks for High-Performance Lithium Storage, ACS Applied Nano Materials,2023, 6, 20018-20027.
17. Yu Shunli, Zhou Juan, Ren Yanmei, Yang Zhiwang,Zhong Ming*, Feng Xiaoqiang*, Su Bitao*, Lei Ziqiang, Excellent adsorptive-photocatalytic performance of zinc oxide and biomass derived N, O-contained biochar nanocomposites for dyes and antibiotic removal. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023, 451, 138959.
16. He Fangzhen, Ren Yanmei, Wang Yuqing,Zhong Ming*, Yang Zhiwang, Su Bitao*, Lei Ziqiang, Super simple and green synthesis of bifunctional iron oxide anchored on graphene oxide-like carbon composite, Chemical Engineering Science,2023, 268, 118414.
15.ZhongMing*, Lin Yasu, Yue Bin, Li Lingling, Han Yuqi, Fu Yongpeng, Zhang Xiaobo*, Facile synthesis and lithium storage performance of tiny oxygen vacancy-enriched zinc manganate nanoparticles anchored on a reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite, New Journal of Chemistry,2022, 46, 14346-14352.
14. Wang Yuqing, He Fangzhen, Ran Yanmei, Lin Yasu,Zhong Ming*, Su Bitao*, Lei Ziqiang, Straightforward preparation of nickel selenide nanosheets supported on nickel foam as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2022, 47, 25631-25637.
13. Mou Guizhen, He Fangzhen, Lin Yasu,Zhong Ming*, Su Bitao*, Biomass-Assisted Synthesis of Tiny Tin Nanoparticles Embedded in Nitrogen/Oxygen Self-Doped Carbon Nanosheets as High Performance Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries. ChemistrySelect,2022, 7, e202200892.
12. HeFangzhen; Han Yuqi; Tong Yongchun;Zhong Ming*; Wang Qingyun*; Su Bitao*; Lei Ziqiang, NiFe alloys@N-doped graphene-like carbon anchored on N-doped graphitized carbon as a highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2022, 10.6094-6105.
11.Liu Yixin; Mou Guizhen; Wang Yuqing; He Fangzhen; Dong Na; Lin Yasu;Zhong Ming*; Su Bitao*, Nickel/nickel oxide-nitrogen self-doped carbon nanosheets for electrocatalytic oxygen and hydrogen evolution reactions. ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022, 5, 2953-2961.
10.Zhong Ming; Liu Ming; Li Na*; Bu Xian-He*, Recent advances and perspectives of metal/covalent-organic frameworks in metal-air batteries, Journal of Energy Chemistry,2021, 63, 113-129.
9. HeFangzhen, Wang Yuqing,Zhong Ming*, Feng Xiaoqiang*, Su Bitao*, Lei Ziqiang, Construction of nickel nanoparticles embedded in nitrogen self-doped graphene-like carbon derived from waste grapefruit peel for multifunctional OER, HER, and magnetism investigations. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,2021, 9, 106894.
8.Zhong Ming; Li Lingling; Zhao Kun; He Fangzhen; Su Bitao*; Wang Dahui*, PdCo alloys@ N-doped porous carbon supported on reduced graphene oxide as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Materials Science,2021, 56, 14222-14233.
7.Zhong Ming; Li Lingling; Zhao Kun; Peng Hui; Xu Shixian; Su Bitao*; Wang Dahui*, Metal–organic framework-engaged synthesis of core-shell MoO2/ZnSe@N-C nanorods as anodes in high-performance lithium-ion batteries.2021, 45, 12064-12070.
6.Zhong Ming; Kong Lingjun; Zhao Kun; Zhang Ying-Hui; Li Na; Bu Xian-He*, Recent progress of nanoscale metal-organic frameworks in synthesis and battery applications, Advanced Science,2021, 8, 2001980.
5. Kong Lingjun#;Zhong Ming#; Shuang Wei#; Xu Yunhua; Bu Xian-He*, Electrochemically active sites inside crystalline porous materials for energy storage and conversion, Chemical Society Reviews,2020, 49, 2378-2407.
4.Zhong Ming; Kong Lingjun; Li Na; Liu Ying-Ying; Zhu Jian; Bu Xian-He*, Synthesis of MOF-derived nanostructures and their applications as anodes in lithium and sodium ion batteries, Coordination Chemistry Reviews,2019, 388, 172-201.
3.Zhong Ming; He Wei-Wei; Shuang Wei; Liu Ying-Ying; Hu Tong-Liang*; Bu Xian-He*, Metal-organic framework derived core-shell Co/Co3O4@N-C nanocomposites as high performance anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Inorganic Chemistry,2018, 57, 4620-4628.
2.Zhong Ming; Yang Donghui; Kong Lin-Jun; Shuang Wei; Zhang Ying-Hui*; Bu Xian-He*, Bimetallic metal–organic framework derivedCo3O4-CoFe2O4composites with different Fe/Comolar ratios as anode materials for lithium ionbatteries.2017, 46, 15947-15953.
1.Zhong Ming; Yang Donghui; Xie Chenchao; Zhang Zhang; Zhou Zhen*; Bu Xian-He*, Yolk-shell MnO@ZnMn2O4/N-C nanorods derived from α-MnO2/ZIF-8 as anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Small,2016, 12, 5564-5571.